- Where can I find information on the program of the conference?
The detailed program with all session descriptions can be found on this page.
- When is the deadline for on-site registration?
The deadline for on-site registration is June 1, unless you have an abstract accepted for oral or poster presentation. In this case, you should register until May 2.
- When is the deadline for online registration?
The deadline to register for the online conference is June 17.
- I registered for the online event, but I would like to participate in person. How can I do to register for the on-site conference?
Please note that in-person participation with a non-active role is limited. If you still wish to register for the on-site conference, you can fill out this form to submit your request. We wish to accommodate all requests to participate, however we might encounter space constraints. When describing your interest in the meeting, please do indicate in case you submitted an abstract that we were unable to accept.
- I am a student, how can I apply for the student fee?
An attendee can qualify for a student rate if they can provide their proof of inscription from the University for record keeping purposes. Should you wish to book the student rate, please do provide this information before registration sending an email to scenariosforum2022@iiasa.ac.at and await our confirmation.
- I am a PhD student, am I eligible for the student fee?
Yes, PhD students are eligible for the student fee if they can provide their proof of inscription from the University for record keeping purposes.
- How can I apply for financial aid for developing countries?
Please submit your application via this form. Please note that priority will be given to those individuals with accepted abstracts to the Forum.