This Scenarios Forum will be taking place in-person at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). The event organization may change over time with evolving technological arrangements and regulations around COVID-19.
The pre-recordings of the Research session presentations will be made available in an online conference environment before, during and after the conference. Livestreaming will be available for Research sessions and Plenary sessions, while Workshop sessions involve more interactive discussions and recordings of these shorter presentations and discussions will be available only after the event.
In the currently envisioned setup of the Scenarios Forum 2022, research sessions can have a maximum of two remote presenters. While (a maximum of two) remote presentations as part of a panel in a workshop session are technically possible, remote participation in the discussions will be challenging and is therefore strongly discouraged. Posters will be available before and during the conference in the online environment with the opportunity for written questions to the author in an open forum and an option to present them on-site during the poster session.
Given the number of active participants in the many parallel sessions at the Scenarios Forum 2022, we have limited capacity for physical participants without an active presenter/moderator role. Following the conclusion of the abstract submissions evaluation process, there is now a “call for participation” form available in which non-active participants can apply to physically attend the Scenarios Forum 2022. Please fill out your application using the following form on our website:
There will be a limited number of travel grants available for developing country participants that will be disseminated among abstract authors.
Full on-site participation
Reduced-fee (students,** developing country participants,*** and SSC members)
Digital material access
*Please note that there are no day fees available. All registrants must pay the full entry price for access.
** To qualify for a student discount, please submit an official letter (in English) from your University or School, duly signed and stamped, indicating your current student status. When submitting your registration form/payment, please send a scanned copy of this letter to: [email protected]
***Developing Country participants are determined by the World Bank Country and Lending Groups. Applicability applies to participants coming from Low-Income Economies/Low-Middle Income Economies.